
Council members: Martin Weiß, Kathrin Weiß, Matthias Schmidt, Dr. Inez Kipfer-Didavi, Andreas Böning, Dr. Christian Epp

URBIS welcomes new Council Members at Foundation Meeting

On 23 October, the URBIS Foundation held its annual Foundation Meeting and this year we were pleased to welcome three new Council members for their four-year term.


Delivery of the solar panel in Nzindong Copyright: Technik ohne Grenzen e.V.

Solar pump for the project "Drinking water supply in Nzindong

In the village of Nzindong in western Cameroon, Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. is building a well to improve the local drinking water supply. The URBIS Foundation supports the project by funding the solar system to supply the electric well pump.


The renewable energy workshop and its team Copyright: SOFIs WORLD

Restart of the renewable energy production workshop at SOFIs WORLD in Kenya

With the support of URBIS, our long-time partner SOFIs WORLD, in cooperation with the implementing partner IRUWA, was able to restore the renewable energy workshop in the Taita Hills in southeastern Kenya to good condition and restart the production of renewable energy technologies, especially biogas and solar thermal.


Copyright: ACCOD

Solar energy for rural health facilities to improve maternal and child health services

This year, the Alpha Childcare and Community Development Organisation (ACCOD) from Uganda implemented a solar project in two health stations in rural areas as part of the URBIS funding programme.


Copyright: ESGB

Photovoltaic system for child protection centre and training farm in Benin

This year, our long-standing partner Kinderrechte Afrika e.V., with the financial support of the Urbis Foundation, installed a 3.6 kWp photovoltaic system on the Terre des Anges training farm in southern Benin.


Primary school of Kabagolo. Copyright: Giving Children Hope

Solar energy for schoolchildren in Uganda

Thanks to the great engagement of our partner the Giving Children Hope Initiative from Uganda the primary school in Kabagolo village has finally access to electricity.
