

Start of the Bengo project to promote solar energy in northern Togo

In cooperation with our project partner Mivo Energie, the project in Dapaong, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), conducts courses in the field of solar energy and entrepreneurship and plans to establish a local support centre for young entrepreneurs.


Copyright: EKOLTAVA

2020: This year's funded projects have been chosen

As URBIS FOUNDATION we are going to support a number of renewable energy projects in 2020.


Copyright: TOGO ENERGY

Maintenance of solar installations in Togo

Maintenance and repair play an important role in the implementation of solar systems.


URBIS FOUNDATION TOGO (UFT) informs and tests participants for high blood pressure and diabetes

High blood pressure and diabetes often go undetected in Togo, with severe consequences for those affected.


Donation of school bags to disadvantaged children

Every year URBIS FOUNDATION TOGO (UFT) donates school bags to excellent students in some public primary schools (EPP) in Togo.


Awareness raising for renewable energies by our Club Solaire and URBIS Togo

On 23 and 30 October 2019, URBIS FOUNDATION Togo and Club Energie Solaire from the University of Lomé jointly organised awareness raising events in Agoè and Adétikopé, in northern Lomé.
