Our partners
In more than 15 years of working as URBIS FOUNDATION, we were able to establish a broad network of partners. These partners consist of partners in Togo, Germany, East Africa or Eastern Europe, who all wish to promote the use of renewable energies and to protect our climate.

Action pour le Developpement de Tchaoudjo (ADT e.V.)
Founded in 2002 in Nürnberg, the association ADT e.V. (Action for the development of Tchaoudjo) is dedicated to supporting the region Tchaoudjo in central Togo. The association has set four main priorities for its work: decreasing health hazards and improving the situation of healthcare, education and infrastructure.

Aktion PiT
For over 20 years Margret Kopp, the managing director of Aktion PiT Togohilfe e.V., has organised the delivery of containers with relief good for Togo. We at URBIS gladly use this safe transportation option for our own deliveries.
During one of our trainings on solar energy the idea was born to gradually involve the participating young adults in the regional promotion of solar energy technologies. Hence, the “Association pour le Développement de l’Energie Solaire“ was founded in December 2009. The main purpose of the association is to sensitise the local population in the Tchaoudjo region in Togo for the benefits of using solar energy.
The „Association d’Appui aux Populations pour le Développement“ is a small togolese NGO consisting of two doctors and additional supporters. On top of their regular employment they support us at URBIS in distributing the delivered medication fairly, especially on the country side.

Bonergie is a social business in Senegal in western Africa. They offer customers a wide range of products based on solar energy, providing them with access to light, electricity and water. The Bonergie products have been developed especially for those regions that have no connection to the local power grid. They are, however, also ideal for parallel use in urban areas, ensuring that electricity is also available during power outages. We at URBIS support Bonergie in establishing its business in Senegal.

Caritas Temeswar
Together with the German association for ecological building e.V. we are supporting the Caritas Temeswar in Romania in their use and production of solar thermal plants.
The "Comité Inter-Africain sur les pratiques traditionnelles ayant effet sur la santé des femmes et des enfants" is the first international forum against female genital mutilation in African countries. CIAF is active in Togo and can rely only partly on state funding to support its work on implementing the legal ban of female genital mutilation.

The "Centre International de Développement Agro-Pastorale" was founded 25 years ago as a centre for the improvement of living conditions in rural areas in Niamtougou region, north Togo. Since 2003, the centre also inhabits a vocational school, offering training courses on agriculture, housekeeping and administration.

DTP e.V.
The Die Deutsch-Tansanische Partnerschaft e.V. is organising volunteer programms between Tansania and Germany organisiert and is active in the field of environmental protection and education.
The urkainian NGO Ecoclub is an environmental oraganisation with headquarters in Riwne. Its main focus lies on promoting political education, energy efficiency and renewable energies in the Ukraine. Through publications, talks with local politicians, the installation of a energy consultancy centre and international events Ecoclub tries to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency rates and to ensure the energy security in the Ukraine.

Entrepreneurs du Monde (EdM) is originally a French NGO. They are also active in Togo, working in the areas of microcredits and renewable energies. Together with EdM we have already successfuly implemented projects in Togo.

Energy Generation
Energy Generation is a young, pan-african organisation promoting entrepreneurial solutions in the field of renewable energies. The focus of their work lies on approaches which have been developed locally and are therefore „made in Africa“.

Hanns Seidel Stiftung
The Hanns-Seidel-Foundation supports projects in the field of development cooperation worldwide, with special emphasis on topics such as vocational training. Their focus in West Africa lies on supporting the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). Since 1977, the foundation has been active in Togo. Overlaps and synergies with the work of URBIS are evident and can lead to promising collaborations especially regarding the are of vocational training.

Initiativen Afrika e.V.
Founded 1999 by Africans living in Germany, the Initiatives Africa e.V. is an association with ties to many countries, such as Sudan, Benin, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo. Their work focuses on the areas of energy, education and health.

Kinderrechte Afrika e.V.
Kinderrechte Afrika e. V. is a NGO for the protection of children’s rights in African countries. Founded in Lahr, Germany, in 1995, the association aims at the holistic development of children and young people by promoting their access to basic human and children's rights. This way, they are enabled to deal with the challenges of the future and to take on responsibilities in their families, social communities and societies. The association currently coordinates various children's rights projects in Mali, Togo, Benin and Cameroon.

REZA (Renewable Energy Zanzibar Association) is a non-profit marking, non-governmental organisation that brings together actors/ stakeholders in the renewable energy sectors to promote the accessibility and uses of renewable energies in Zanzibar.

SOFIs World
SOFIs WORLD - Social Finance is an association with headqaurters in Bayrischzell, Germany. With their work in the field of development cooperation they address issues such as environmental protection or vocational training. One of their most prestigious project is the new SOFIs WORLD House in Kenia, where they exhibit various renewable energy technologies.

Solar Zonder Grenzen
Solar Zonder Grenzen is a belgian NGO, aiming to promote the use of solar power in developing countries. This includes PV plants on public buildings such as hospitals, schools, orphanages and utility providers. Having started in Togo, Solar Zonder Grenzen is now active in more than 10 countries.
SOS Kinderdorf
The basic facility in all countries is the classical SOS children’s village with families and mothers living in a children’s village community. At the moment, there are three SOS children’s villages in Togo, complemented by youth facilities, kindergartens and schools as well as a SOS vocational training centre and health centres. We at URBIS cooperate with the organisation regarding their use of solar energy in the SOS children’s village in Dapaong.

TAREA is a Tanzanian NGO, dedicated to the promotion of renewable energies in the country. It was founded in 2001, with headquarters in Dar-es-Salaam, and additional offices in other regions. TAREA is one of URBIS’ long-term partners in East Africa.

Verein für ökologisches Bauen Leipzig e.V.
The German association supports ecological building and energy efficiency measures through consultancy services. Supported through URBIS they also implement project in Temeswar, Romania.

WECF e.V. Germany is a charitable association dedicated to fostering environmental protection, health and gender. The German association is a member of the international network WECF, which brings together experts from all over the world for common projects. The network consists of over 150 women, environment and health organisations, implementing projects in more than 50 countries.