News Green citizen energy in Uganda

In Uganda, our ProREU Green Citizen Energy project, which we are implementing together with our partner ACSET, is making great strides. Agreements for cooperation have been concluded with public and private actors in the region, thus establishing a regional network with important stakeholders. The technical preparations for the creation of the open source database for existing solar systems have been completed and the first sites have been recorded.
Thanks to radio reports, ACSET was able to reach many young people interested in training as Solar Extension Agents (SEA) within the framework of the project. Out of a large number of applications, 50 young people were selected. In addition, four staff members were trained at the Uganda Technical College in Lira in a workshop lasting four weeks. They are now ready to train the 50 applicants as solar consultants. The training starts in April and combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
Afterwards, the SEAs will complete an internship at solar companies where they will put the skills they have learned into practice.
The ProREU Green Citizen Energy project is implemented with financial support from GIZ. Its aim is to promote solar energy in rural areas of Uganda and to provide installation and maintenance services for photovoltaic systems.